
Life-Saving Statistics

We are proud of the work we do to give our animals a chance to find furever homes. We believe in being transparent so that we can be judged according to how well we achieve our mission. 

This page gives the annual statistics as well as month-to-month for the current year. The live release rate is calculated according to the nationally recognized Asilomar Standard. As a no-kill shelter, PALS never euthanizes animals to make space.

2018 Annual Live Release Rate: 90%, which represents all animals including dogs/puppies and cats/kittens that died or were lost in the shelter/care.


* Live Release Rate is calculated by taking All Live Outcomes: those adopted, reclaimed by their families, and transferred to No Kill rescue groups or other shelters (where they are not at risk for being killed). It does not include animals still in the shelter’s custody or constructive custody (such as foster care) and Dividing by All Animals with Final Dispositions/Outcomes: including live outcomes (adoption, transfer, reclaim) and those who died, are missing/stolen or euthanized due to health.